All area codes of the netherlands

Find all regional area codes of places in the Netherlands.

Area codes the Netherlands

An area code in the Netherlands is a combination of 2 to 4 digits which are used to setup a phonecall to another region in the Netherlands. This area code is placed before the local phone number so the phone system knows it is an outgoing call to another region. That is why each region in the Netherlands has different area codes.

The dutch area codes always starts with a 0, so the phone system knows it is an outgoing call to another region. After the 0, two other unique digits will follow indicate the region where to call to. The remaining subscriber number are the last digits completing the unique phone number.

Area codes by place

Each place has its own area code. An overview of all places in the Netherlands with an associated area code.

places & area codes

Area code overview

A complete overview of all area codes in the Netherlands, find associated places by the area code.

all area codes